Noxious/invasive weeds and their continued expansion are recognized as one of the greatest threats to the integrity of native plant communities. Millions of acres of once healthy, productive rangelands, forestlands, and riparian areas have been overrun by noxious or invasive weeds throughout the western United States and portions of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation in north-central Washington are no exception. The expansion of invasive plant species across native lands continues to be a primary cause of ecosystem degradation and the control of these species is one of the greatest challenges in land management.
Click the image below to view the interactive story to see how invasive species impact the Colville Tribes’ natural resources.
“When it comes to weed control, our successes are invisible, our failures are obvious”
A weed free place on the Colville Reservation is a beautiful sight to see.
Contact the Land Operations Program at 509-634-2338 with any questions regarding invasive plants.